The Peptide Party: Your Skin's New Bestie

The Peptide Party: Your Skin's New Bestie

Peptides are everywhere, but what exactly are they and why do I need them in my skincare?

These tiny but mighty molecules are like little messengers in your skin, sending signals to boost collagen and elastin production. Think of them as construction workers for your complexion, rebuilding and repairing from the inside out.

But what exactly are peptides?

Imagine proteins as long chains of amino acids. Peptides are like smaller pieces snipped from those chains, each with a specific function. In skincare, we use peptides that target collagen and elastin production, wound healing, and even pigmentation.

So, what can peptides do for your skin?

    • Reduced wrinkles and fine lines: By stimulating collagen and elastin production, peptides plump up your skin, smoothing out fine lines and wrinkles. Try Environ Skincare Antioxidant & Peptide Eye Gel to target the delicate eye area.
    • Improved skin texture: Peptides can help to even out skin tone and texture, reducing the appearance of scars and blemishes. Swap out multiple serums for one that does it all like Environ Skincare Vita-Peptide C-Quence Serum 1 that combines Vitamin A, C sent E with powerful peptides to help brighten skin's tone and improve texture.
    • Wound healing: Peptides can accelerate the healing process, making them great for post-breakout or post-procedure skin.

Here are some tips for using peptides:

    • Start slow: Peptides are generally well-tolerated, but it's always a good idea to patch test any new product before applying it to your entire face.
    • Be patient: It takes time for peptides to work their magic, so don't expect overnight results. Give it at least 8-12 weeks to see the full benefits.
    • Store your products properly: Peptides can be sensitive to light and heat, so store your products in a cool, dark place.

If you have any questions, book a virtual or in-studio consultation!